About the Book

This unique and heartfelt book showcases the extraordinary transformation of the author’s living space, where friends and loved ones were invited to create artwork on the walls. What started as a simple idea to transition from one year to the next in a reflective and creative way blossomed into a five-year venture. People from all walks of life embraced the opportunity to freely express themselves through drawings, paintings, and writings. With minimal instruction and complete artistic freedom, the walls became a canvas for personal stories, messages of inspiration, and vibrant visual representations. Walls That Speak is a testament to the boundless potential of human imagination and the capacity for self-discovery and joy.

Writing and Narration

The writing and narration in the book are both captivating and heartfelt. The author skillfully invites readers into a unique exploration of art, freedom, and human connection. From the beginning, the book draws readers in with its intriguing concept of transforming a living space into an artistic canvas. The author’s narration takes readers on a five-year journey, starting from a simple idea that evolves into an extraordinary venture.

Title & Cover

The cover is simple enough that attracts the attention of readers. The colour contrast of the title is good enough as well. I liked the title a lot as it is intriguing.

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  • Attractive choice of words
  • Easy to decipher the language
  • Convincing storyline


Could be confusing a bit at times.

My Verdict

The concept of this book is quite different from what I read so far. The artistic side of the story has been highlighted pretty well. If you’re interested in art and painting, this book is for you. Overall, it is worth giving a try.

Ratings: 4.5/5

Buy: Walls That Speak